This November, I will be travelling to South Africa to volunteer with Mellon Educate. Over a week, I will be helping to build/renovate 2 schools in the poorest neighborhoods in Cape Town. Between the schools almost 2,800 learners will benefit from the work we will carry out this year. In total the plan is to build 18 classrooms, 2 kitchens, 2 toilet blocks, 2 play parks and 4 covered shelters, which will transform these schools not just for the current pupils but for thousands more over the coming decades. For more information, please go to to see the fantastic work this charity has done over the last 20 years.
In order to raise funds for this worthy cause, I am planning to take on the infamous 4x4x48 Challenge. This will involve running 4 miles, every 4 hours, for 48 hours (48 miles in total, or just over 77km in old money). The first leg will start at 4pm on Friday July 26th, and all going well the last will conclude shortly before 1pm on Sunday July 28th.
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