[vc_row][vc_column align=”center” width=”1/1″][vc_single_image image=”32791″ link_type=”no-link”][heading header_size=”big” header_align=”center”]Mellon Educate Literacy Programe 2021 – 2023[/heading][bordered_divider][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column lg_col=”10″][vc_column_text]Leading from a successful 6 month pilot programme which we ran across 3 primary schools in 2019, Mellon Educate is working in partnership with the City of Cape Town to implement a 2 year, paired reading literacy programme across 7 primary schools in townships in the Western Cape.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Literacy Crisis in South Africa
South Africa faces a literacy crisis with:
- 74% of Grade 4 learners cannot read for meaning
- 61% of Grade 4 learners lack basic numeracy knowledge and skills
- 16% of learners have access to books at home
- Children with poor literacy skills are 3 times more likely to drop out of school
- 50-60% of South African children do not complete school
- In 2010, it was estimated that illiteracy costs South Africa R450 Billion each year
- Rife unemployment in turn entrenches cycles of poverty and places significant strain on South Africa’s resources
- It is estimated that South Africa’s GDP would be 23%-30% higher if the population was fully literate
Key Elements of Mellon Educate Literacy Programme
Leading from a successful 6 month pilot programme which we ran across 3 primary schools in 2019, Mellon Educate is working in partnership with the City of Cape Town to implement a 2 year, paired reading literacy programme across 7 primary schools in townships in the Western Cape.
The key elements of the programme are:
- year programme in 7 primary schools in partnership with the City of Cape Town
- Built on an existing successful pilot programme which commenced in 2019 across 3 schools
- Lead by 3 Mellon Educate Specialists
- 7 Co-Ordinators (1 per school) sourced from existing interns with 12 months experience
- Unique delivery method with 70+ interns lead by Mellon Educate Team
- Programme will reach 1,120 learners each week
- Interns will be paid a monthly stipend and vocational training leading to job opportunities after 2 years
- Interns are local to the schools, unemployed and identified by the City of Cape Town and Mellon Educate in normal selection process
- Progress will be measured by external assessor to validate impact
- 75% funded in partnership with the City of Cape Town
- Project commences in February 2021
Learner Impact Reach
Programme runs – Monday through Thursday
Each intern teaches 2 learners for 1 hour twice a week
Each intern teaches for 4 hours per day x 4 dats = 16 hours
Equates to 16 learners per intern
Total 16 learners x 70 interns = 1,120 learners a week[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”32779″][vc_column_text]
The programme is continually assessed by and external monitoring and evaluation agency.
Interns are continually assessed for quality delivery of the programme by:-
- Mellon Team Lead
- School Co-Ordinator
- External Examiner
- As part of course requirements
Potential Impact of Literacy Intervention
- Each child is 3 time more likely to finish school
- More opportunity to pursue higher education
- Better employment opportunities
- Ability to earn higher salary
- Ability to make better life choices
- Continue the cycle of literacy and love for reading in family, community and workplace
- Impact felt beyond learner to family, community, country and the next generation
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Keep up-to-date with the work of Mellon Educate
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