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Covid-19 Building Blitz project at Wesbank No.1 Primary School Handover

We are thrilled to share with you all that we have now completed our adapted Cover-19 Building Blitz project at Wesbank No.1 Primary School!  The 2020 Building Blitz project was completed and only possible because of you, our volunteers. The official handover took place on Friday 26th February and Mellon Educate handed over Foundation Phase classrooms, Grade R Block, Toilets, Kitchens and a Playground!  What a wonderful testament to you all. None of this would have been possible without the ongoing support from our volunteers and you were all sorely missed by our team and the beneficiaries on Handover Day.

Your continued support is vital to Mellon Educate in order for us to continue making this wonderful progress.

It is a great success story and an example of us all working together even in these challenging times to make things happen and allow Mellon Educate to continue to inspire and improve the lives of these very poor children.

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