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London Gala Fundraising Dinner 2019

Our 20th June Mellon Educate UK Gala Fundraiser surpassed all expectations judging from the countless messages of praise and thanks received from so many of the 300+ guests who attended the black tie event at the Hurlingham Club.

Guests heard heartfelt words of gratitude from Niall Mellon and inspiring insights from Cape Town-based education team member Holly Hayes and Buthle Mthethwe who has been appointed Mellon Educate’s literacy programme ambassador and whose role will be to encourage children in their love of reading and writing.

The live auction was a huge success thanks to Jonny’s Gould’s inimitable style and professionalism and overall almost £650,000 was raised, which will help fund Mellon Educate’s pilot literacy programme being launched in local schools within the next couple of months, in collaboration with highly regarded corporates such as Pick ‘n Pay. Guests ended their evening on the dance floor with an exciting performance from the Brand New Heavies followed by the coolest electronic grooves from super DJ Ed Adoo.

Thanks to all who came, donated prizes or won them or who made pledges; and for all our wonderful supporters who do so much to help our mission.

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