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Planning Visit to Oranjekloof School

Last week our staff visited Cape Town on a pre-planning trip and saw first-hand the work that is involved for our week in March.

Our March 2014 Building Blitz project is taking place in Oranjekloof Movarian Primary School which is the main primary school for the children residing in the Imizamo Yethu Township. This township holds a very special place in our hearts as it was the very first township Niall walked into all those years ago and began this incredible journey that we are still travelling together. How fitting it is that our first South African school project takes place back where is all began!

[two_third padding=”0 20px 0 0″]Last week we visited Cape Town on a pre-planning trip and saw first-hand the work that is involved for our week in March.

Oranjekloof is the main school for over 1000 children and our work in March is mainly refurbishment of the existing structures. The existing structures are in reasonable shape but in dire need of repair in several areas i.e. ceilings, flooring, plumbing, electrics, fencing, painting and general repairs etc.

The children were delighted to see us and the teachers even more so. They greeted us with open arms, thanked us profusely for the intended work and told us of the difficulties that they have on a day to day basis. They cannot wait for the volunteers to arrive in a few weeks, they are already excitedly practicing their songs or welcome!

Established in 1952, it is the only primary school in the area, where more than 90% of the pupils come from Imizamo Yethu. Imizamo Yethu has more than 30 000 residents living in informal housing (mostly shacks made of wood and corrugated iron) and the community have grown rapidly in recent years with almost every household having a child at the school; the project therefore impacts the entire community. [/two_third] [one_third_last padding=”0 0 0 20px”]

Orangekloof school blitz planning




Oranjekloof Movarian Primary School

The Refurbishment Project

Working closely with the Governing Body, the principal and his management team, Mellon Educate has been able to form an understanding of the educators and community’s vision. Meetings have been held with all stakeholders to ensure that practical details are taken into account when implementing the project.
The aim is therefore to upgrade the existing buildings and develop new facilities so that there is:

  • Adequate academic and extra-mural facilities for the 1185 learners
  • A gathering space for the staff to create a cohesive team spirit
  • A school identity with the signage
  • A safe and comfortable learning environment
  • A healthier and cleaner sanitation system.
  • An overall presentable and fully functional school.
Class Summary

Number of Pupils at Orangekloof School

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