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Mellon Educate has launched a new initiative where you can help support the charity’s ambitious plans to improve the lives of thousands of children in Africa through education by donating as little as €5 per month.

Under the ’10,000 Friends’ campaign, we want 10,000 people to help us continue our work through regular donations.

By committing to giving small amounts each month –as little as just €5, or as much as you can afford – Mellon Educate can continue its efforts to educate 100,000 of Africa’s poorest children in just 10 years.

Speaking about the new campaign, Mellon Educate founder Niall Mellon said: “€5 might not seem like much – it barely covers the cost of a pint of beer these days – but it can go a long way to changing the life of a child in Africa.

“It could buy school books or uniforms for those who can afford neither; it could be a meal at school for an orphan who would otherwise go hungry; it could be the best lesson plans to ensure children get the opportunity to fulfil their potential.

“This incredibly important campaign will provide Mellon Educate with the tools to change the lives of 100,000 of Africa’s most needy and deserving children.

“Since 2002, the Niall Mellon Township Trust and now Mellon Educate have made hundreds of thousands of friends all over the world.

“That’s because our amazing volunteers have always come through for us and helped us achieve incredible things – and we’re asking for them to do so again and help spread the word about this 10,000 Friends initiative.”

Since its launch under the umbrella of the Niall Mellon Township Trust in 2013, Mellon Educate has already built two new schools in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi, and new school buildings in Cape Town and the Eastern Cape in South Africa – with plans well in advance to build more.

And Mellon Educate will continue to play an ongoing role in the education of the children at the schools it helps – providing important resources and using our education experts to help raise the standards in these schools in order to give every child the best possible opportunity for success in life.

Only then can we truly say that we are building ‘Better Lives through Better Education’.

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