Ukhanyo Primary School in the Masiphumelele township of the Cape Town suburb of Fish Hoek is the location for this year’s 2015 Mellon Educate building blitz.
There are 1648 children in this school ranging in age from 4-13. It is our intention to build 12-16 brand new classrooms in the week, providing over 500 children with new classroom facilities. What a remarkable legacy this will provide for future generations of children in South Africa.
We will ALL be staying in the Cape Sun Hotel in Cape Town city centre, which is within a 1 hour drive from the site. The school is much in need of transformation. We can’t wait to put many hands to work and together build solid foundations for education in Africa.
Niall & the Mellon Educate charity team were on location in Cape Town last week working hard to firm up on project details and ensure a once-in-a-lifetime experience for volunteers, the fruits of whose labour will nourish the minds of children for years to come. Take a glimpse below at the people’s lives you’ll be transforming in just a few short weeks! From them to you, thank you.
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