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Transition Year Programme 2026

Transition Year Programme 2026

1 week in late February/Early March. Dates TBC Shortly!

Transition Year Volunteer Programme 2026

Transition year is the perfect time to explore potential career paths, learn new skills, and achieve personal growth. Our one-week transition year programme allows you to do just that – get real-world experience while having fun and, most importantly, helping others!
Mellon Educate helps impoverished children in South Africa, get a better education. We try to include so much in an intensive work experience week helping our charity. It’s all about making a difference in the lives of some of the poorest children on the planet. During the week with us, you will be doing construction work, you will be working within our established literacy programme, you will be working directly one on one with the children you have travelled so far to help, you will also have the opportunity to work within the schools feeding programme and feed children who so desperately need it and once all that is done, you will still have time to view some of the amazing sites of the region!

* TY Fundraising Targets 2026*


“The Mellon Educate TY Blitz was one of the best experiences of my life. The journey to get to South Africa was rewarding, as I had already made so many friends and learned so much about fundraising and the charity. Overall, this was an amazing week, and I would recommend it to anyone that is considering taking part, as all the hard work is worth it.”

— Neala

“From the minute we signed up, we knew this trip was going to be special. We were supported in every way from registration, through fundraising and right through to touch down back in Dublin. We felt truly cared for and looked after by this amazing team.”

— Clare

“As a parent travelling with my daughter and her 2 friends, we were unsure about what lay ahead. We needn’t have worried… we were treated as part of the ‘Mellon Family’ from the outset, and we felt very much part of it. It’s easy to understand why people get the blitz bug, this charity and the work they do is quite wonderful.”

— Clare

“The Mellon Educate trip is no ordinary TY experience, it is “THE” TY experience… If you are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to join in, grab it and get ready for a sensory and emotional rollercoaster of a week. It is truly special.”

— Clare

“The TY Blitz was so good that I spent the entire flight home planning how I could go back to Cape Town with Mellon Educate again.”

— Molly

“Getting a chance to help these children and see their bright smiles every day and their eagerness to learn so they can grow up and have a better life for themselves is something that motivated me to help them get there. Education is their way out of poverty and we are the solution. My week in Cape Town has forever changed my outlook on life, not only did they get to learn from us, but I learned so much from them. I will forever be grateful for Mellon educate for the opportunity to make a difference.”

— Sophie

“I could go on forever about this trip, you should see the smile on my face as I try to write about it, I loved every single minute of it and I wouldn’t have changed a thing. It was perfect in every way.”

— Molly

“When I first signed up for the TY Blitz everyone said how it would be a great week, that was the biggest understatement, it was the most magical week of my life.”

— Molly

“It was an amazing opportunity to take part in, I wasn’t sure what to expect coming into it, but I enjoyed the experience thoroughly. I left with a much clearer perspective on how some of the less fortunate people in the world live and the importance of education in overcoming poverty.”

— Senan

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